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Monday, August 16, 2004
  Instant Messaging to Get The Vote Out

It will be interesting to see how well MTV's Rock the Mobile Vote Instant Messaging campaign will turn out young voters. They're using a private labeled IM system that allows users to chat with buddies on AIM, MSN, ICQ and Yahool, as well as MTV "Street Team" members who will organize polls, political discussions, etc. People can also sign up for SMS text alerts for breaking election news.

Howard Dean's campaign demonstrated the power of the interent to transform grassroots support into a national force, as well as its limitations in getting people to actually vote. What's intersting about the Rock the Mobile Vote campaign is that it is working to not only increase young people's interest in the campaign, but get them into the voting booth.

As we think about our own communication and collaboration tools, it might be a good exercise to think outside the corporate box. Any ideas?


I had an idea for a noncorporate user-focused set of enhancements to an IMing application (such as Envoke) that would allow users to build up points by chatting with people and then allow them use these points toward buying clothes, hairstyles, or accessories to customize their avatar. The idea goes far beyond this but could be implemented in several steps. If it sounds interesting, stop by the ol' desk and I can give you the rundown.

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