PDA Virus Alert - Yawn
Major news hitting
tech magazines and even the St. Louis
Post Dispatch report a PDA virus found "in the wild." Of course, they've only found a single instance, but news-hungry editors around the country have rushed to this story.
Here's my take. If I was a virus writer, would I spend my time writing something that could infect 85% of the computers around the world, many of which receive e-mail and browse the interntet, or would I write something that ran on a PDA, most of which do neither of the above? Hmmm????
I guess the smartest way to infect handhelds would be to throw out fake warez software on the P2P sites and rationalize that you're a karmic force. Even so, it seems that PCs offer so much more opportunity for havoc and gain that I just can't see many virus creators spending time on them. Plus, with a PDA, you've got everything backed up.
My suggestion is that you stick to PDA Defense to protect against the REAL threat of someone poking around in your lost or stolen device and save your money for now on anti-virus software for your handheld.